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2018-07 Mid-Year-Mini Seminar Programme Print
June 2018
Mid-Year-Mini SKA New Zealand Colloquium
12 July 2017 Thursday
AUT University Mayoral Drive/Wakefield Street
Building WG Room 404
Programme (last revised 2018-06-21 3:00pm)

1:00pm Reception and Introduction
2:15pm Andrew Ensor "Our impacts on CSP and SDP designs"
2:55pm Coffee and Tea Break
3:55pm Haomio Wang & Tyrone Sherwin "FPGA-based Acceleration of SKA Pulsar Search Modules using OpenCL"
4:35pm General Discussions
5:10pm Seminar Close

Speaker Affliliation

*1 Sergei is the Director of the Institute of Radio Astronomy and Space Research of AUT.

*2 Stephen is a senior lecturer of the University Victoria of Wellington,

*3 Andrew is the Director of the NZ Alliance and the Director of HPC Research Laboratory of AUT

*4 TN is the Director of Compucon New Zealand

*5 Willem is a senior lecturer in AUT and the most refereed researcher of New Zealand in astronomy

*6 Haomio is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Tyrone is a PhD student, both of the University of Auckland

*7 Jamie is Head of Technology of REANNZ