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2015-08 Parallel Compucon I and II Operations Print
July 2015
Compucon CPD Program
5 August 2015 Wednesday
Compucon House Albany
Compucon 1 and II Parallel Operations

4:00 - 5:00pm Biggest PC Industry Movements & Our Peer Group (TN)
5:00 - 6:00pm Technology Introductions in 2015 H2 (Edmond)
6:00 - 7:30pm Wine and Cheese

Biggest PC Industry Movements & Our Peer Group

Intel shocked the world in June 2015 by paying a price to buy a company that does not operate in the PC industry for 8 times of the annual turnover of the company.  Assume that the company being bought makes a net profit of 20% consistently which would make Warren Buffet mouth-watering.  The price Intel pays would take 40 years to recover. Would you invest your money in a share market stock that would take 40 years to recover?  How should we read into this event?  This seminar session will read into this event as well as revealing a product portfolio from the biggest system integrator in the world (not Intel) that a small operation in Albany is planning to do.  It is a classic David and Goliath scenario, and one that our peer group would share the excitement.   As disclosed in the MYM-C4SKA Colloquium held in AUT on 2015-0708 attended by about 20 peers from our groups including the HPC web forum community and another 20 other people, our project is on Technology Readiness Level 4.  What does this means?  Are we going to succeed and when?  Technology is the depth dimension and our peer group is the width dimension.  Do we have enough width coverage to match the efforts on technology development?  We will allocate at least 20 minutes this time to talk about how peers may develop into software delivery providers, site service providers, vertical market system integrators, and front end managers in the next generation high performance computing era.

Technology Introductions in 2015 H2

The standard Intel technology introduction tick-tock cycle is moving ahead although at a reduced pace than previously.  The cycle is largely prescribed by Moore’s Law.  Should we expect doubling of transistor density and thus computation performance again (over 18, 24 or even 30 months)?  Xeon is a brand for servers and Core for desktops.  We have 3 levels of Cores (3, 5 and 7) and have E3, E5, E7 and more levels of Xeon. They have different naming conventions for generation and capabilities.  We will explain what will be introduced and where each will go into our system portfolio.   On the peripheral side, SSD is under the limelight as it is progressing from SATA interface to a direct PCIe interface which provides much higher headroom for data throughputs.  The popularity of SSD due to its lower latency and higher data transfer speed compared to HDD is established.  A new form factor will be introduced.  It is smaller than 2.5” and hopefully cheaper.   USB is getting faster.  IPMI is getting more capable.   These PC technologies are hot and coming.