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Digital Technology in Whangarei on 26 April 2012 Print
April 2012

Date: Thursday 26 April 2012

Venue: Kamo High School, Whangarei
Fee: Not chargeable but registration is strictly necessary

Continuing Professional Development plays an important role in assisting peers to remain current and develop new competencies in information technology practices.  There is no fee for attending the seminar but registration is essential. Please register by replying to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   ASAP.

2:00pm – 2:15pm Reception at Kamo High School
2:15pm – 4:15pm Digital Technology Briefing
4:15pm – 5:00pm Muffin Break

Seminar Outline

o This is a 2-hour seminar meant for professionals, school principals, IT practitioners, information system administrators, business executives, teachers and virtually any mature person (not for secondary or primary students) with a desire to understand what is in the information age for us all.  The seminar contains a lot of technical information but the presentation will be as layman as possible.  Presumably there is no one shoe fits all and this seminar will be more appreciated by some than others.  Those who have attended this series of seminar previously will benefit more than 1st timers.  Nevertheless, there will be something valuable for every participant to take away.  The seminar is not a commercial.  It does not sell any products or services other than concepts and information.  It is a contribution of Compucon New Zealand to education and to the society at large. 

o PC is a content generation device whereas tablet is for content consumption.   Virtualization and cloud computing that were being touted as the way forward is only an iterative development and not a solution template.  Dispite which way we may choose we go, digitalization is here to stay and it will account for half of our economy by 2020.   Devices are appearing on the horizon to emulate the way we interface efficiently but humans are still required to think effectively.  The above are the themes of our seminar held in November 2011.   

o This seminar will continue the same agenda described above but with new information such as what have happened in the last 6 months reinforcing further clarity of what is upon us.  We will be able to see the stark differences between the industrial age and the information age and to learn how we can live a better life and achieve more.  We will pay tribute to 5 persons who have done a tremendous lot for mankind non-selfishly to build the foundations of digital age (4 are living).  We will learn about the pros and cons of globalization and if New Zealand productivity will continue the descent to the 2nd world as witnessed over the last 20 years.  We will shift the attention to infrastructural issues (as against consumer) such as green supercomputing and engineering issues (as against marketing) such as designing with real time visualisation (as against paper based planning).  We will discuss who and how we can make use of ultra fast broadband for productivity (as against entertainment). 

o The seminar will include illustrations that may seem out of the square and a bit of observations on personal developments.  This is based on a new format introduced in 2012 for Compucon CPD series of seminars in Auckland.